The Free Linux Laptop...

... well, almost free. Back in 2001, if you were a manager at my company, if you were lucky and had been good, you might have been given a Toshiba Tecra 8100 PIII to play solitaire on in the airport lounge. List price back then, around $3600 (the docking station another $399). As a foot soldier developer I have had a series of unremarkable, but solid, Dell desktops. If I have wanted a laptop, it has been on my own...
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Safeguard Your Data

Formulate your own backup strategy It's not alarmist but fact to say that, it is not a question of IF your hard drive will fail, but of WHEN. Your hard drive is a mechanical device spinning thousands of times a second. At some point it will stop spinning or the platters will become unreadable. When that happens you will loose time while you get your PC repaired or replaced but you can minimize that downtime by creating, implementing and revisiting...
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