My Blue Muse Writing Life

March 31, 2003

Getting Started

My friend, Kel, helped me set this blog up. Let's see how it goes. Heck, more importantly, let's see if I can get in a habit of using it. I think it's a good idea to check-in (chicken) with my writer-ly self and any other writer-ly types who drop by.

At this time, my main goal is to get some more submissions out and to write! Something, Anything! I was thrown a life curve ball in December and am still a feeling a bit struck out, but it's time to shake it off!

Another goal is not to turn this into a pasteurized cheese factory. And this first entry is ca-chunking out some suspiciously yellowish stuff. Sigh. I'll get the hang of it. Kelli at stilltalking is doing a great job. I think I better go read some of her entries.


Newsflash: I went back to my original blog, because it's integrates into my site more easily. But I'm posting this entry here anyway, because I'm feeling lazy. :0)

Posted by mybluemuse at 8:22 PM
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