Taco Bell Bench

Isn't it enough that we have to contend with comment spamming on our blogs (thank goodness for MT-blacklist)? Now I'm seeing trackback spam and referrer spam. The trackback spam is covered by MT-blacklist but the referrer spam I have to learn about Apache and restricting access to my site. Anyone promoting porn, poker or pharmaceutical websites, can't you just leave my little site alone? I waste enough time, even with MT-blacklist's help, getting rid of your comments and trackback pings. My referrers are seen by no one but me so it's doing you absolutely no good bombarding my site. All you are doing is artificially inflating my visitor numbers, eating up my bandwidth and polluting my referrer list to the point that it is currently useless. The only thing you idiots achieve is to make the web more and more useless. You're taking the joy out of the whole thing just to sell your crap.

I guess I'll be spending at least some of my evening reading the following: